Ecoblog News
The first Ecoblog post is published!

IHME launches a blog concentrating on environmental issues. IHME studies how an art institution could become carbon neutral and shares the lessons learned in order to spread sustainable practises.
In Ecoblog the eco-coordinator of IHME will calculate the climate emissions of IHME Helsinki activities and search climate-friendly alternatives. Issues going under the magnifying glass will include heat and electricity consumption, travel and commuting as well as food choices. What obstacles will be encountered along the way and how can they be resolved? – You can follow these and other issues during 2020 in IHME Ecoblog.
In the first blog post our eco-coordinator will discuss how the demand for data affects the production of data and compare the carbon footprint to the nutritional information of products. Read the whole text: What do calories and carbon dioxide have in common?
All Ecoblog posts can be found either in the main navigation panel under the headline “News & blog” or directly in the Ecoblog archives. You can participate in the discussion on Twitter @IHMEhelsinki.