IHME Helsinki 2024

Photo: Veikko Somerpuro.

Bake bread that nurtures people, soil and sea!

Cooking Sections’ IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 Maaleipä Challenge invited all home bakers, bakeries, restaurants, schools, and communities in Finland to create bread recipes that combine the well-being of land, water and people’s guts. The challenge ran from 15 April until 1 September. The best recipes were tasted and awarded with prizes at the Maaleipä Feast at Kellohalli in Helsinki on 21 September 2024. All the finalist recipes are published at the challenge website. Check out the recipes and bake bread for the future of the soil!

Why? The health of the soil and the health of us humans are one. Monoculture farming impoverishes the ground and spoils our waters, and nutritionally poor food harms our digestive systems. Yet, we can also be a source for change!

How? By making bread out of nutritionally rich ingredients that have been grown in a way that nurtures both people and land.

Read more: maaleipa.fi Articles and media about the commission

The Maaleipä Feast was celebrated on 21 September 2024 at the Teurastamo Kellohalli. The programme included a Maaleipä display, a market for soil-friendly products, a food security discussion, an awards ceremony and a bread tasting. In the video, the finalists of the challenge talk about their breads and the jury shares their thoughts on the meaning of the challenge. Watch the documentary and all other videos of the Maaleipä Challenge on the IHME Helsinki YouTube channel.

IHME Helsinki YouTube

Read more about Maaleipä Challenge

Cooking Sections about the IHME Helsinki Commission 2024

Watch the video on YouTube

IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 in Media

IHME Helsingin seuraava teos esittää haasteen leivän ystäville (only in Finnish)

“IHME Helsinki’s next commission presents a challenge to bread lovers”

Aino Frilander, Helsingin Sanomat, 17.8.2023

Maaleipä-haasteessa etsitään poikkeuksellisen leivän reseptiä – kaikki voivat ilmoittautua mukaan (only in Finnish)

“Maaleipä Challenge calls for the recipe of an exceptional bread – everyone can join in”

Janiko Kemppi, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, 7.8.2024

Lontoolainen taiteilijaduo saapui Suomeen tekemään taidetta leivästä (only in Finnish)

“London-based artist duo came to Finland to make art about bread”

Samuli Tiikkaja, Helsingin Sanomat, 20.9.2024

Moderni pettuleipä voitti Maaleipä-haasteen: Taikinasta löytyy myös tammenterhoja (only in Finnish)

“Modern pine bark bread won Maaleipä Challenge: the dough includes also acorns”

Janiko Kemppi, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, 18.10.2024

Rethinking (Climate) Security Through Food: An Interview with Cooking Sections

Ines Montalvao, NO NIIN Magazine, Issue 27

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