Posts  (8)

Into the Forest with Doubt

...action?’, to which the monk replies: ‘The action is, first, the decision to be non-violent.’ As Kanwar then marvels, ‘how is that the action?”, the monk replies: ‘To be non-violent...

Questions of time, knowledge and local sensibilities in a biennial context – Thailand Biennale, Krabi 2018

...can go and when they can’t go. JW: So, I think it was a team of seven fishermen, mainly Supan, I think. PA: Yes, and his networks. JW: This was...

Listening to fish – underwater noise and the social life of fish

...last fifteen years. That’s right, just checking? KdJ: We know they have sound-producing muscles and there’s a correlation between the condition and the length of the male and the size...

Art, science and curating PART 2

...research that you talked about, Erich, but in an urban context, the defining of the project’s concept, defining the plan to produce it the best possible way, the execution, and...

Creating an embodied spectatorship of sound

...visit, and you send decoders to me to work on and simulate the situation in the studio, and then in your studio. On spatial presentation of sound TM: Yes, one...

Ocean Space, Venice – at the heart of the climate crisis in Europe

...and the Mediterranean, Jamaica and the Caribbean, and Fiji and the Pacific. The questions are: How can we communicate between these three nodes, and whether we will occasionally still bring...

Art, science and curating – PART 1

...a Master of Arts degree (2018). For more info:,, Erich Berger is an artist, curator and cultural worker based in Helsinki. He directs the Bioart Society, an artist association based...

Dead Zones of the Baltic Sea

...on the surface, because photosynthesis can only happen when there is light. For the algae to grow, you need nutrients, the same as farmers put on their fields, and you...

Pages  (4)

IHME Helsinki Commission 2023

...been performed in: Gdansk, Poland (2010) and Nottingham, England; and has toured the Netherlands (2011); Sofia, Bulgaria, and Delme, France (2013); Amman, Jordan (2014); Bergen, Norway (2019); and Nida Art...

IHME Helsinki Commission 2022

...Oslo, (2006) and the Renaissance Society, Chicago,(2004). Amar Kanwar has received several awards, including the Prince Claus Award (2017); Creative Time´s Annenberg Prize for Art and Social Change (2014); Honorary...

Data Protection and Privacy Statements and privacy statement is intended for users of Pro Arte Foundation Finland [“The Foundation”] website and newsletter recipients. This data protection and privacy statement describes how The Foundation collects...


...Katie Paterson IHME Helsinki Commission 2021, Katie Paterson’s To Burn, Forest, Fire consisted of the scent of the first-ever forest on earth and the scent of the last forest of...