Pages  (5)

IHME Helsinki Commission 2023

...Nissilä, Seppo Renvall, Goran Reza, Maija Saksman, Alireza Samani, Ashkan Shabnavard, Sola, Paula Toppila, Viljami Valldén IHME Helsinki team: Aman Askarizad, Heta Heikkala, Anna Hämäläinen, Saara Korpela, Saara Moisio, Paula...

IHME Helsinki Commission 2022

...agriculture and sustainability issues as well as developing different parameters for measuring art, output and impact. The course was available to all residents of Finland. Students from the Fine Arts...


...and science who work internationally. Executive Director, Curator Paula Toppila +358 45 1240 096 About Paula Toppila is passionate about the ecological turn of an art institution and art´s...

Courses and seminars

...and producer. Photo: Aneta Klaskova Ekoseminaari: Huolenpito ja vieraanvaraisuus residenssitoiminnassa – Sanna Ritvanen / Mustarinda Jonna Hurskainen Jonna Hurskainen works as a project manager at the HAM Helsinki Art Museum,...

IHME Helsinki Commission 2021

...During April 2023 but date and place TBC MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AND DESIGN (MCAD), Manila, Philippines: 6.8.2022 at Arroceros Forest Park TE TUHI, Tamaki Makaurau Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand...

Posts  (7)

Into the Forest with Doubt

...the local level. As a most recent example, one can cite Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and its impacts on food and energy prices and availability. At the beginning...

Art, science and curating – PART 1

...This ambitious initiative was developed together with Professor Helena Sederholm from Aalto Arts and artists and researchers Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr from SymbioticA in Australia and lab manager Marika...

Stories that Separate, Stories that Bind

...of the spect-actor. A theatre practitioner, Boal coined the term as part of his performance method, blurring the boundary between actors and spectators, who are free to think and act...

Questions of time, knowledge and local sensibilities in a biennial context – Thailand Biennale, Krabi 2018

...and freshwater meet, flowing through a mangrove forest and eventually into the Pali river and the Andaman Sea. As visitors, we were prohibited to touch anything, except to walk on...

Creating an embodied spectatorship of sound

...teaching focus on contemporary aesthetics in electronic and computer music; spatial sound reproduction and recording; the composition and performance of computer music and contemporary audio art. For more than ten...

Art, science and curating PART 2

...existence as a contemporary art agent at the crossroads between art, science and curating. Paula Toppila, Executive Director and Curator of IHME Helsinki, invited two colleagues to join her in...

IHME Helsinki is seeking a producer for IHME Helsinki Commission 2023

...arranging cultural productions, especially of music and contemporary art. You are approachable and quick to absorb information, alert and friendly, and are comfortable around people and contemporary art. Successfully completing...