Past event
W A U H A U S: What’s Fermenting? 22.11.2023

A peer discussion
What’s fermenting? Is a pause, a moment for personal reflection and a space for sharing as a part of Islands of Kinship event week in Lauttasaari Manor. The event invites people together to stop and share in a world shaken by diverse crises of sustainability. During the afternoon we will tune into sensing our relationship to the environment, as well as the thoughts and experiences related to environment and environmental crises. We will discuss these topics and evoke thoughts about means of change.
The programme of the event consists of listening, reflection, sharing own experiences, and facilitated discussion in small groups. Fermented drinks will be served.
Planning and facilitation: Aliisa Talja and Samuli Laine
Aliisa Talja is a multidisciplinary artist and facilitator, who works with questions of relativity, proximity, and care. Aliisa has years of experience with collective activities, organizing workshops, as well as investigating and developing feminist modes of action.
Samuli Laine is a scenographer and performance maker, and a member of both WAUHAUS collective and Reality Research Center. Laine loves art that looks critically and emphatically at the prevailing beliefs of what is normal and what is possible. He has, in the past years, been interested in interconnectedness, reciprocity, relations and care. The interests have been starting points for both the art and the methods of working.
W A U H A U S is a Helsinki-based multidisciplinary arts collective. The works of WAUHAUS are situated between different genres of art and take place at various venues from small black box theaters to urban sites, large stadiums, and the main stages of established theater houses.
The event is co-produced by WAUHAUS, IHME Helsinki and Frame Contemporary Art Finland
What’s Fermenting? is part of the program of Transformative Actions for Contemporary Art event that is organized by Frame Contemporary Art Finland.