Past event

Climate Security Festival 19.9.2024

Climate Security Festival will take place from 19 September to 20 September.

IHME Helsinki and the Safer Climate network are joining forces to organise the Climate Security Festival and the main IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 event in September. The three-day event starts with the Climate Security Festival programme at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Kumpula on 19-20 September and continues with IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 programme at Teurastamo Kellohalli on Saturday 21 September. The theme of the second edition of the Climate Security Festival, inspired by the Maaleipä Challenge, is food security. The event is open and free for anyone interested but registration is required. The main language of the event is English and registration is open until 16 September.

Program Thursday 19.9.2024

From 10 AM to 4 PM

Opening – setting the tone together

  • Dance performance / Ndjara Rasolomanana, dancer and coreographer
  • Welcoming words / Safer Climate

Food Security: an Overview

  • Talk / Kaisa Karttunen, Pro­fessor of Prac­tice in Global and National Food Security, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki

Art, Science and Sustainability

  • Talk / Paula Toppila, Executive Director & Curator, IHME Helsinki
  • Short film and talk / Zhanna Kadyrova, artist
  • During the festival Zhanna Kadyrova’s Palianytsia will be on display at the entrance hall of the Meteorological Institute. The stone “loaves” in Palianytsia are for sale, with the entire proceeds going to beneficiaries in Ukraine chosen by the artist.


Parallel Workshops

  • What’s Fermenting? A Peer Discussion /  Aliisa Talja, artist & Samuli Laine, artist, WAUHAUS
  • What’s fermenting? Is a pause, a moment for personal reflection and a space for sharing as a part of the Climate Security Festival. The event invites people together to stop and share in a world shaken by diverse crises of sustainability. During the afternoon we will tune into sensing our relationship to the environment, as well as the thoughts and experiences related to environment, food, and environmental crises. We will discuss these topics and evoke thoughts about means of change.The programme of the event consists of listening, reflection, sharing own experiences, and facilitated discussion in small groups. Fermented refreshments will be served.
    • Aliisa Talja is a multidisciplinary artist and facilitator, who works with questions of relativity, proximity, and care. Aliisa has years of experience with collective activities, organizing workshops, as well as investigating and developing feminist modes of action.
    • Samuli Laine is a scenographer, performance maker, and a member of both W A U H A U S collective and Reality Research Center. Lately Samuli has been interested in utopias, economy, and gardening.
    • Organizer: IHME Helsinki
  • Water and Peace
  • Nuclear winter as an existential threat to food security

The program is subject to changes.

Read more and register: