
IHME Helsinki is seeking Audience Workers

A group of people standing on small hill in a forest on a cloudy day. Three people are holding red signs that read IHME in white letters.
IHME Helsinki Commission 2023 Chicago Boys – While We Were Singing, They Were Dreaming public rehearsals in Riistavuori forest in April 2023. Photo: Katri Lehtola.

IHME Helsinki is a contemporary art commissioning agency that unites the worlds of art, science and climate action. Each year we produce a public artwork and a series of events that offer hope in a time of environmental crisis. Our events are free and open to anyone interested. IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 is the Maaleipä Challenge, designed by London-based Cooking Sections. The Challenge will run from 15 April to 1 September, after which a jury will select the best recipes to be presented at an award ceremony at Teurastamo Kellohalli on 21 September 2024. The Maaleipä Challenge invites all home bakers, bakeries, restaurants, schools, and communities in Finland to create bread recipes that combine the well-being of land, water, and people’s gut microbiomes. Read more about the challenge at

We are looking for three (3) Audience Workers to work at the Climate Security Festival on 19‑20 September 2024 and at the Maaleipä Challenge Award Ceremony on 21 September 2024. As an Audience Worker you will be at the heart of IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 and the Climate Security Festival’s programme, telling people what is happening and where, but also able to explain the broader context of the events.

We offer an opportunity to participate in carrying out a public artwork designed by international artists and to communicate about it to our audience. As an IHME Audience Worker you will be an important part of the IHME team, which includes the artist duo Cooking Sections and IHME’s Executive Director, Communications Planner, Eco-Coordinator and Event Producer. You will learn about communications, audience work and producing contemporary art that promotes cultural change in an environmental crisis, as well as ways of thinking about and reducing the carbon footprint of art production. You will be involved in promoting equality and safe spaces for participation in art events.

You will also learn about producing and facilitating the main event for the National Challenge competition for diverse audiences, and about the green transition in agriculture, soil-friendly ingredients, and how these relate to human health. The Challenge is part of Cooking Sections’ wider CLIMAVORE project, which asks how are we to eat as humans change the climate. You will learn about this international art project that is changing food culture around the world.