Our sustainability measures

Nature tour on IHME Festival 2018, photo: Veikko Somerpuro.

Ecological sustainability 

At IHME Helsinki, we strive to act responsibly by taking into account the needs of current and future generations near and far. Since humans are part of nature and completely dependent on the vitality of ecosystems, ecological sustainability lays the foundation for all other aspects of sustainability: social and cultural, as well as economic. 

As a commissioner of contemporary art, we produce art that gives people an opportunity to process feelings and information related to the environmental crisis. At IHME, we are committed to the freedom of art within the framework of life-sustaining systems, and that is why we create artworks with as few emissions as possible.

We monitor the effects of our operations on the climate and biodiversity. IHME’s carbon footprint corresponds to the emissions of 1–2 Finns per year. Nevertheless, the carbon handprint of our activities is probably much larger than this: We are involved in developing lower-emission ways of producing and experiencing art, as well as in promoting wider social change towards a more sustainable culture and lifestyles. 

We have been awarded the EcoCompass certificate.

IHME's carbon footprint  IHME's ecological guidelines

Social and cultural sustainability

Social and cultural sustainability are reflected in our operations, especially when meeting the public. We strive to ensure that both artworks and events are barrier-free and accessible to a wide variety of audiences, and that the principles of a safer space are applied in them. 

IHME Commissions are free of charge and open to everyone. We communicate about works and events clearly in Finnish and English, and with our target audience in mind.

IHME uses anonymous recruitment wherever possible or gives positive special treatment to minority groups. We do not use unpaid labour at IHME events, rather, all work is appropriately compensated. We pay the same salary for the same work and experience. In IHME’s budget, money is set aside for both ecological sustainability and equality. 

We are committed to working to eliminate problems related to power structures.

IHME Helsinki's Equality Strategy Safer Space Principles


Why did IHME change its operations?

From a festival into a contemporary art commissioning agency.

Read our story