Courses and seminars

IHME Commission 2009, Antony Gormley: Clay and the Collective Body, photo: Kai Widell.

Towards eco-social civilization

We bring together the worlds of art and science in an era of climate crisis and biodiversity loss. We have produced seminar series and learning materials for everyone interested in contemporary art and the environment. Check out the recordings from our seminars and the material about the Baltic Sea and Maleipä Challenge we have collected here.

Environmental crisis – from words to deeds in the field of art

The environmental crisis is also a crisis of the artworld, requiring concrete action instead of mere words. 

Arranged by four art organizations – IHME Helsinki, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, HIAP-Helsinki International Artist Programme and Mustarinda – the Environmental Crisis – from words to deeds in the field of art seminar presented various ways of working in the art field to meet the challenges of climate change and nature loss. During the day, some 200 people, most of them involved in the arts, followed the eco-seminar online on 19 November 2020. Most of the presentations were in Finnish. Finnish and English summaries of the talks are now available.

The seminar asked: How can we reduce climate emissions in the field of art? What can an individual art organization, curator or artist do? What can we do together? How can ecology be integrated into strategy and funding? How do we travel by land or calculate an organisation’s carbon footprint?

Eco-seminar speakers

The discussions and presentations at the seminar created hope for the future, where post-fossil culture is central and ecological issues are emphasized both by decision-makers and organizations as well as at the level of art practices.

Participant feedback

In January 2021, the Art, Science, Ecology course began on the initiative of IHME Helsinki, and in collaboration with the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science HELSUS at the University of Helsinki and Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts.

The course was intended to increase awareness of the effects of the crisis of sustainability in art, science and society, and to produce and analyse the knowledge necessary for making the changes in ideas and actions required to meet this crisis. On the course, practitioners of art and science were able to together investigate some complex phenomena of our time. The course workshops were aimed at students of the collaborating universities. The online lectures were in English and open to everyone interested.

The contents of the Art, Science, Ecology course are continued in the podcast series produced by IHME Advisory Board. English podcast episodes can be listened to on several platforms: Helsinki Open Waves, Spotify, Apple podcast, Soundcloud.

Increase your knowledge of the Baltic Sea

Artist Jana Winderen and IHME Executive Director, Curator Paula Toppila have interviewed experts on the state of the Baltic Sea as part of the background work for Listening Through the Dead Zones sound installation. All interviews >>

Calculate your Baltic Sea footprint and read about different ways to help the Baltic Sea >>

Hold To, Burn, Forest, Fire Ceremony at Your School

Scottish artist Katie Paterson’s IHME Helsinki 2021 CommissionTo Burn, Forest, Fire consists of two incense burners that aspire to the scent of the first forest on our planet 385 million years ago and the scent of the last forest in our time of climate crisis. These scents have been transformed into incense and were burned at several different places in Helsinki during September 1–30, 2021. Now you can hold your own To Burn, Forest, Fire ceremony in your school and as part of your teaching.

Image of two incense sticks on a table. The other one is burning and smoke rises from it.
IHME Helsinki commission 2021 – Katie Paterson: To Burn, Forest, Fire. Photo: Veikko Somerpuro.

The ceremony is particularly suitable as part of the teaching of art, biology, geography and environmental education. You should allow between half an hour and an hour for the ceremony. If you are interested in organising a ceremony, please contact Saara Moisio, Communications Planner at IHME Helsinki. Please let her know which lessons you would like to organise the ceremony for, where and when.

To hold the ceremony you will need To Burn, Forest, Fire incense burners, a lighter, a clock, time and a To Burn, Forest, Fire booklet, which we will send you with the incense. We will also send you instructions on how to hold the ceremony.

Read more about To Burn, Forest, Fire: Read To Burn, Forest, Fire booklet: PDF

Searching the Soul of the City

Urban Activism and Urban Planning in Sustainability Transformation

In the last public rehearsals of the IHME Helsinki Commission 2023Chicago Boys – While We Were Singing, They Were Dreaming, a panel discussion was held in Stoa Cultural Center on urban activism and urban planning in the sustainability transformation. The IHME Helsinki Commission took place from 17 April to 27 May 2023 in Stoa Cultural Center and in various places in Helsinki that are threatened by neoliberal values and urban planning aimed at continuous growth. The places were Lapinlahti Hospital, Puhos shopping center, Riistavuori, Stansvik and Matokallio forests.

Watch the panel discussion on YouTube Read about the panel discussion

The panel discussion related to the work Chicago Boys – While We Were Singing, They Were Dreaming brings out the points of friction between urban activism and urban planning with the help of seven panelists. Among the panelists are representatives of urban activism, landscape architecture and research. The following questions are raised in the discussion: where is the soul of the city to be found? How should Helsinki and urban planning be developed so that both ecological and social sustainability and diverse public spaces are secured for different city dwellers?

The following experts participated in the panel:

Doctoral researcher Sara Zaman, urban planning systems, University of Helsinki
Matokallio activist Jaana Patrakka, sociologist
Resident activist Marja Keränen, Riistavuori group
Managing Director Ville Pellinen, Lapinlahden Lähde
Subculture manager Juhana Hurula, DIY Helsinki association
Landscape architect Varpu Mikola, Nomaji – Landscape Architects
Architect, researcher, University Lecturer Hossam Hewidy, Aalto University

Maaleipä Learning Material

During the spring and summer 2024, London-based Cooking Sections’ IHME Helsinki Commission 2024 Maaleipä Challenge looked for bread recipes that take care of the well-being of soil, waterways and human gut. The Challenge ended on 21 September 2024 with a Maaleipä Feast in which fourteen different recipes were published. The learning material compiled from the challenge is particularly suitable for ninth-graders in secondary schools. The material is compiled by an artist and art educator Zara Asgher.

Image of various breads on yellow round pedestals.
Maaleipä breads on display at the Maaleipä Feast on 21 September 2024. Photo: Veikko Somerpuro.

The material helps us understand the impact of our choices of what food we eat and the ways in which they affect the environment. The package can be incorporated into study plans for many subjects, such as art, geography, biology and home economics. The package combines art, the environment and food security. It has four sections that can be used independently in schools.

  1. Introduction to the Artists
  2. Introduction to the Maaleipä Challenge
  3. Regenerative Farming and Crop Production
  4. The Interconnectedness of Ourselves and Our Community Through Food

You can pick and choose sections to suit your interests and the time available. Some of the materials can also be used with pupils working independently or remotely.

Download the learning material: PDF